Reviews: Sydney Chamber Choir's Dido & Aeneas Performance
Sydney Chamber Choir and The Muffat Collective lamented – but the audience did not
Jacqui Smith | 10 October, 2017
Love indeed knows no boundaries – and the music heard tonight was some of the most sorrowful on earth, but sung and played with such beauty. Lamentations and libations (at interval) were promised and the capacity Great Hall audience did not suffer. It was great to see Roland Peelman back in Sydney as guest conductor of this formidable choir and guests The Muffat Collective. I have missed his choral conducting and sheer joy for the music of the tonight’s concert – Monteverdi, Gesualdo and Purcell; some of my long-term favourites.
Sydney Arts Guide
‘Dido and Aeneas’ : Sydney Chamber Choir @ The Great Hall, Sydney University
Paul Nolan | 9 October, 2017
This concert had an evocative and well sung version of Purcell’s classic opera as the jewel in its crown. There were many jewels in this programming though and some real gems of performances from choir members and invited guests on stage. It was a well patronised and exciting concert with which to conclude the choir’s 2017 season.
Sounds Like Sydney
Concert Review: Dido and Aeneas / Sydney Chamber Choir / Muffat Collective
Wendy McLeod | 6 October, 2017
With some identifying accessories, as the ill-fated lovers, Belinda Montgomery as Dido and David Greco as Aeneas were simply brilliant and exuded a rare chemistry. We are indeed fortunate to enjoy the musical and dramatic gifts of a singer of the calibre of David Greco. Belinda Montgomery’s portrayal of Dido was expressive throughout, conveying an anguish that was not simply confined to her famous aria.